Moderator IRC commands

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The #redditmc-mods IRC channel is full of robotic overlords who occasionally help mods keep track of things.


Owner: JudgeDread

Bot to check for open ban appeals on the forum and minimal modreq info.

.Command <Required> [Optional]

.open [name] Without any parameters pms all appeals that match your irc name or any irc name you have aliased to you

<JudgeDread> .open
<OpenAppealBot> There are no appeals for JudgeDread or their aliases
<JudgeDread> .open c45y
<OpenAppealBot> There are no appeals for c45y

.alias <add/remove> <ircname> <name to be aliased> Will tie another name to your account example .alias add slide slide23 will assoicate the slide23 with slide in irc

<JudgeDread> .alias add Bluue Bluuefuzzy
Has no confirmation response 

.check [m] (Broken in current version of bot, I think) Will tell you how many appeals are in the system. With the [m]essage flag will list out all the name that currently have appeals

<JudgeDread> .check
<OpenAppealBot> There are 1 appeals in the system
<JudgeDread> .check m
<OpenAppealBot>  JudgeDread, have appeals in the system

.modreqs <c/pvp/p> <number> Will return how many modreqs are on each system (may make it pm the reqs to you if I can get them to look good)

<JudgeDread> .modreqs
<OpenAppealBot> Open reqs C:2 P:1 PvP:1
<JudgeDread> .modreqs p
<OpenAppealBot> There are 2 modreqs in the system
<JudgeDread> .modreqs p 3546
<OpenAppealBot> Request 3546: AWW YOU GUYS DISABLED minecraft:me BACK UP TIME!

Also scans for new appeals as they are posted:

<OpenAppealBot> ludeman84 has a new appeal Shaneg96 [ludeman84] at


Owner: Deaygo

ModReq is the bot that roams the moderator channel on irc, #redditmc-mods. It accepts the commands described here.


  • .lookup nick - List bans for nick on our servers.
  • .bans nick - List bans for nick on all servers.
  • .unban nick - Unbans nick on the server.
  • .addban nick reason - permission required(addban). Adds a ban to nick for reason.


  • .notes nick - Lists notes for nick on all servers.
  • .pnotes nick - Creates a paste with a list of notes for nick on all servers.
  • .delnote noteid - Deletes note noteid from our servers.
  • .addnote nick note - permission required(addnote). Adds a note to nick with text note.

Other Useful Commands

  • .status - Checks if Minecraft servers are online
  • .id id - Gives a minecraft item's full name for the given id.
  • .name search - List minecraft items and item codes that match search.
  • .tell nick message - Leave message for nick that will be sent to them the next time they are seen active in the channel.

Bot Administration

All commands from this section are admin only.

  • .setmc ircnick nick - Associates ircnick with minecraft nick, so that the minecraft nickname can be used when creating bans or notes.
  • .getperms ircnick - Gets the current permissions for ircnick.
  • .setperm ircnick perm value - Sets the permission perm on ircnick to value.