PvE Information Guide

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PvE Information Guide

This page contains information pertaining to the p.nerd.nu server. Enjoy!

Mob Limiting

PvE runs a plugin called MobLimiter that limits the number of mobs (livestock and pets) that may stay in a chunk when it is unloaded - this is to prevent excessively large numbers of mobs when they are not needed. This means that, while you can breed animals up to high numbers, once everyone leaves that area the numbers will be reduced back down to at least a breeding pair.

To compensate for this, mobs spend considerably less time as babies (15 seconds, down from 20 minutes), the cooldown for breeding is similarly reduced (down to 15 seconds from 5 minutes), and mob drops of livestock are plumped. For this and more information, type /moblimiter in-game.

As a rule of thumb, the server starts to lag noticeably if a few hundred mobs are bred in a confined space. Please keep this in mind if you are engaged in mass mob drop harvesting operations.


We will also be retaining personal waypoints this rev. This system is like having your own personal /places, which you can then share with others to point them to your location of choice! Functionally similar to /home, simply run /wp for a list of commands that can point you in the direction of personal places, list personal places, and enable you to add or remove them as well!


The Doppelganger plugin, written by totemo, will be active again and gives players the ability to obtain player heads as well as provide an extremely difficult mob boss to fight. Simply name a pumpkin on an anvil to the name of the player whose head you wish to obtain (note that this is case sensitive; “Notch” will give the proper Notch head while “notch” will give something else). Place this pumpkin on top of two vertically stacked diamond blocks. Lightning will strike as your stack of blocks transforms into a powerful diamondclad monster, wearing the player head you seek! The head can be found in the monster’s remains once you’ve bested it in combat.

Word of warning: they’re deadly. As with other forms of indirect unwanted PvP, do not spawn these intentionally to murder players.

Region Greetings

You may /modreq for a region greeting to be placed using the following guidelines:

  • One greeting per settlement, whether it be a town or city or yourself out in the wilderness. (Citizens of a town are considered part of the town for this purpose.). Greetings for non-settlement regions (eg. rails) are not eligible.
  • You may request ONE color for your region greeting.
  • The region which the greeting is placed must be a parent (it cannot itself be a child of any other region)
  • Only the region owners may request a greeting.
  • The greeting content must adhere to chat rules and additionally cannot reference any settlement or region or player other than your own. (For example, if you are a mayor of <town A>, you may request as a greeting “Welcome to <town A>!” but not “<town B> is not welcome here!”)
  • Staff reserve the right to deny frequent greeting changes. Pick your greeting carefully!


  • PvP Arenas
    • Again this rev you may request barrier blocks for your PvP arenas. Please specify in your modreq which blocks you would like replaced with barriers (make them something different so we can replace them correctly).
    • You may also request an open-air arena provided the arena is set to disallow enderpearls and there is a wall that prevents players from entering except at designated entrances.
    • All other PvP arena rules still apply.
    • PvP arenas must be clearly marked, completely enclosed, and access-restricted builds - the area must only be accessible via iron doors that require a button press to enter.
    • These entrances must be marked with signs stating that it is a PvP area, and that players enter at their own risk. The PvP-enabled area may not exceed 100x100 blocks, and may not interact with other PvP areas in any way.
    • Enabling of the PvP flag will be done entirely at the discretion of server admins.
  • Spleef Arenas
    • You are allowed to request barrier blocks for spleef arenas - please specify in your modreq which blocks you would like replaced with barriers.

Land Claims

Land claims are returning this rev. As a reminder, land claims are not protected; they are meant to be an indicator of future building.

  • How to create a valid claim;
    • Area must be fully enclosed in a solid wall of fence/cobble wall (not blocks) with access points at reasonable intervals (gates, carpet, something) to allow players to escape if they are trapped.
    • Claims are only valid from top layer of terrain upwards. These claims are intended to identify areas where there will be building not to reserve resources or prevent others from making rail tunnels or mining.
    • You are not required to keep the land claim fence up for the entire rev. You may remove them once your build is finalized to keep the land easy to traverse.
    • Ocean Claims - claims are valid to the ocean floor, regardless of where the fence is placed.
    • Nether/End Claims - Claims in the nether and end follow the same rules as the overworld
  • Buffers: There are no buffers to a land claim - where you place the fence is where other players can build. If buffers are deemed too large admins reserve the right to remove/replace claim borders as needed
  • Players must place signs at reasonable intervals displaying username / date (and town name if applicable - ideally something like: Trooprm32 / Polis / May 27, 2016) so others know who to contact should there be any issues.

Claims will EXPIRE if they are not used. **Players may /modreq an expired claim, at which point admins will make an effort to determine if the area will be used or not. This does not mean you can take over someone’s claim, it is so that claims do not sit unused through the rev.**

  • Expirations are:
    • [250,250] - [-250,-250] = no land claiming allowed
    • [1000,1000] - [-1000,-1000] = land claims are valid for 2 weeks
    • Anything outside [1000,1000] - [-1000,-1000] is valid for 4 weeks.
    • Unauthorized builds within a claimed area may be removed by admins at the request of the claim owner.
  • Admins reserve the right to invalidate any claim for (but not limited to) the following reasons: being too large (larger than you will reasonably use), claiming with multiple users to bypass any size guidelines, removing/changing claims that were not placed by you, claiming an area solely for access to resource mining, encircling another claim in an effort to take over, or violating any other build rules currently in place.

Water Flow

Region owners can flow their own water. Simply place the water as normal, type /flow, and punch the water with an empty hand. The /flow command will toggle flow on/off, so keep an eye on your screen. If you do not turn off the flow (by running /flow again) after 5 minutes it will toggle off automatically.

If you break someone’s build or redstone with flowing water, this will still be considered grief, so be careful and take steps to ensure you don’t flood someone’s basement! Likewise, if you break your own build with water, we will not fix it for you. You break it, you fix it.


Villagers have always been a fickle part of the server; keep them hidden away or out and available to the public? Well, hopefully that problem is now solved! Thanks to Redwall, villagers can now only be damaged by region members in the region they are in, and their trades are now logged. If one happens to be griefed and you don’t have a region, or if a region member themselves have griefed one, they can now be replaced!

Mob Grinders

All mob grinders; guardian, iron golem, custom and vanilla must be open to the public. In drop grinders such as the creeper, guardian, and iron golem, at least 50% of the drops must be available, either in a public chest, or available for players to pick up at a killing floor. All experience grinders must be open for anyone to take advantage of.

Custom Spawners

Custom spawners must be used within 2 weeks of the initial discovery date; or else the rights will be forfeited.