PvE r30

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Revision as of 23:03, 25 January 2025 by King of queso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "PvE map revision 30 began on June 1, 2024 at 1:00 PM EST with a theme of worlds/state fairs. More information on this revision can be found in [https://nerd.nu/b/pve/rev-30-info-post-qmrc the rev 30 blog post here]. == Geography == ;Overworld :10,000 x 10,000 square, vanilla map ;End :5000 x 5000 square w/ custom terrain by Cheezychicken ;Nether :6000 x 6000 square, vanilla map ==Theme== This revision, our general theme is Fairs! Welcome to the Rev 30 Nerd Fair. In...")
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PvE map revision 30 began on June 1, 2024 at 1:00 PM EST with a theme of worlds/state fairs.

More information on this revision can be found in the rev 30 blog post here.


10,000 x 10,000 square, vanilla map
5000 x 5000 square w/ custom terrain by Cheezychicken
6000 x 6000 square, vanilla map


This revision, our general theme is Fairs! Welcome to the Rev 30 Nerd Fair. In the fairgrounds you will find displays of Nerd.nu’s history, art, agriculture displays, and of course rides and food stalls! Our custom currency will be Nerd Tickets. You will be able to use the currency to buy portals and holes in the nether roof, as well as items at the fair and from wandering traders. As always, players are under no obligation to build within this theme, participate in any challenges or events, or collect collectibles.


Revision 30’s spawn theme was chosen by cujobear and designed and built by TemporarilyAlive and cujobear with sprucing done by the padmins and the moderation team. The fair island includes a rail station, stables, traders and much more!

Once again we have spawn secrets hidden by staff. Make sure you explore every nook and cranny of spawn! HOWEVER - New this rev we have separated out Spawn Challenges. Make sure to visit the challenge tent. We currently have 9 challenges, and hope to include more later in the revision.

If you would like to connect a rail line please /modreq and list which connection you want. Cardinal road builders, we expanded the cardinal road off the main fair island. You should be able to connect from there, please let us know if you need help blending the road into the spawn region

Village of the Cities

The Nerd Fairgrounds has a special section set aside to highlight the towns and cities of Nerd.nu. There are 28 claimable plots for players to build something to represent their towns. These plots will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. To claim a plot for your town stand near the plot sign and /modreq I would like to build in this plot please. These plots are meant to be embassies or visitor centers representing your town (past or present) DO NOT use these plots as a storage dump or early rev base. Plots not used in a timely fashion will be forfeited and given to another player interested in building.

The Lost Pavilions

Once again we ran a build contest and this revision we chose 27 builds to pre-place across the map. When you find one of these builds, hunt for a sign to collect your prize.

Builders include mats1300, za_zaa, layla_moon, j4bble, CARnivore_nds, treppich, Ulyn_, Omega_Orion, Daisydushess, baronHark, zongsoe, OleToothless, King_of_queso, and buzzie71.


This revision’s nether will be a 6000 x 6000 vanilla generated map. The nether spawn area has been left for players to develop. If you would like to take on the task of designing and building the nether spawn hub, make a claim request just as you would in the overworld.

Nether Portals

There is a change to Nether Portal pricing this revision!

The revision will once again start with 9 preplaced nether portals, one at spawn and eight hidden around the map. The eight preplaced portals will be a hidden sign. If you find one of these signs out in the world, punch the sign and it will automatically create a modreq claiming the portal and announce in genchat that you have found a portal. (If multiple players hit the sign, the lowest numbered modreq will be counted as the owner of that portal) The portal frames for preplaced portals must be placed within 2 weeks of the modreq and within 100 blocks of the pillar. These portals will be lit by padmins for free.

Still want your own portal? You can buy a portal of your own, once all 8 preplaced portals have been found. The cost of a portal will now include a padmin dopple head and 1 portal shard per portal space, this makes the smallest possible portal (2x3) cost 6 portal shards and 1 padmin head. Portal shards can be purchased at the spawn traders for 64 Nerd Tickets each.

Padmins encourage towns near each other to work together to create a portal hub towns can share. Padmins reserve the right to deny portals that may be too close or may interfere with previously placed portals. Click Here to see a list of the locations of the found portals.

The End

Cheezychicken has, once again, custom generated the End. There are plenty of resources to gather spread across islands on this 5000 x 5000 map. Shulkers will continue to be a respawning mob throughout the end!

Dragon Fight

The dragon fight will be vanilla for the first month of the revision, and no elytra will be awarded. This will allow time for players to explore. Following that, the custom dragon fight will return, with new stages and a guaranteed elytra drop.

Notable creations