Book of MCPublic

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Chapter 1: Fall into Dirtness

MCPublic 1:3

[1] And lo, as the P admin sought to Edit the World around him, a mischievous Finger did alter the selection region; [2] which would not have been a big deal, except that it was over 50x500x800 in size, which is at least 200 more than it should be. [3] And thus the command was uttered, and the world was enveloped in dirtness; [4] and the Finger did laugh, for this was surely for the lulz. [5] In an instant, great settlements of civilizations past were removed from the earth, from a force incomprehensible to a common player. [6] Even the great Tower of Tolgar was vanished in the blink of an eye, causing a great deal of butthurt, [7] and causing others to wonder if he was mad bro.

[8] Then the many did come and see and wonder what kind of scherererer would do this [9] and the evil Skuld appeared from behind the crowd [10] He wielding his wooden spade and ruddy skin [7] And undid with /undo all that schererererererrrr hath doneth upon thee. [11] Yet this was no ordinary /undo - a cleansing of the land, a reversion to its virgin state. [12] The signs of previous civilization were thus erased; the land born anew.

[13] And the Lord Skuld said, "Heed now, the warning of your elders, the great wrath that shall be wraught if the World be Edited without proper use of your Fingers."