Hotel Empire

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Hotel Empire

Hotel Empire is a small ever expanding hotel chain located on Hotel Empire was originally founded by otkoji and Unoevan. It has two locations, one in chedarchickenville, a good friend of theirs, and one in sonicturtle's f;oating city of Aky next to the spleef arena. They have two employs in only one hotel and are open to anyone willing to work. The current building in chedarchickenville is relatively large consisting of a market, lobby, basement, and four rooms. They are currently adding a fire house. They recently added a treasure hunt called Empire Treasurethunt witch will be held on special days. the coordinates for the sky hotel is x:187 z:-57 y= 97 and for the hotel in chedarchickenville is x:-1631 y:77 z: 1369 on