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Revision as of 01:31, 7 January 2011 by BionicNipple (talk | contribs)
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BionicNipple's MazeonicTemple
Server Creative
Coordinates -960, 1633
Lead BionicNipple
Started 2011-01-05
Completed WIP

BionicNipple's MazeonicTemple is a multi-level maze with the entrance at ground / sea level and the final exit on the roof. Each level has a single entrance from the level below and a single exit to the level above. The only exceptions are the first level and the last level. Each floor is made of glass and each wall has a glass-filled center. This makes it easy to see other levels while inside the maze.

It is recommended that you /sethome before entering the maze, so you can easily exit if you get bored or lost inside.