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(a small guide to our obscure methods)
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Revision as of 04:52, 11 March 2012

Restarting an unresponsive server.

cd ~ So we are all on the same page
screen -ls A list of screens currently running
screen -x pve Attach to the 'pve' screen
list Try console commands to the server to check for a response
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + d Detach from the screen session
ps aux | grep pve Check for the pve server process, it should be SL
kill -9 $pve_pid Kill off the unresponsive server via its PID

At this stage the wrapper should restart the server, reattach to the screen to make sure of this.

If the server is still not responsive then...

Ctrl + a, Ctrl + k, y Kill the screen session
ps aux | grep pve Check for the pve server process, it should be SL
kill -9 $pve_pid Kill off the unresponsive server via its PID
cd pve Navigate to the pve directory, at ~/pve
./start Start the server wrapper and watch the output to ensure successful start
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + d Detach from the screen session

That should cover most cases. If you have problems or wish to improve this feel free to do so