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Creative Server
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Current Map Revision: 38

Creative is a place where players can express themselves freely and build to their heart's content! Being one of the oldest running Minecraft servers it has had quite a long history, and always been dedicated to creating a fun and fair environment. Creative runs on "revisions" which are resets that happen in intervals of 6-12 months. Each revision will begin with a new fresh custom-made map, clearing old builds and giving players a new start. Access to WorldEdit is available to everyone, and unlimited.

To keep the server running properly some items and blocks may be restricted or banned. See the Mod List for a list of users who are able to enforce the rules and help. Click here to see a live map.

Also check out our Information Guide/FAQ


Miss that old castle you built two years ago? Relive the good days by downloading a past revision's map!

Map revision history

Rev Start Date End Date Lifespan Comments Creations Cartographs
38 2024-06-22 - - Features generated by World Machine and World Paint. Minecraft 1.20.4 Rev 38 [1]
37 2022-11-26 2024-06-22 1yr 6m 27d Features generated by World Machine and World Paint. Minecraft 1.19.2 Rev 37 [2]
36 2021-05-01 2022-11-25 1yr 6m 25d Features generated by World Machine and World Paint. Minecraft 1.16.5 Rev 36 [3]
35 2020-02-01 2021-04-30 1yr 97d Features generated by World Machine and World Paint. Rev 35 [4]
34 2018-11-30 2020-01-31 1yr 63d Features generated by World Machine and World Paint. Rev 34 [5]
33 2017-10-14 2018-11-30 1yr 48d Features generated by World Machine and World Paint. Rev 33 [6]
32 2017-01-28 2017-10-14 9m 17d First map to have features generated by World Machine and World Paint. Rev 32 [7]
31 2016-08-06 2017-01-28 5m 22d 50/50 Mix of World Painted and Naturally Generated Terrain. Rev 31 [8]
30 2016-2-13 2016-08-06 5.8m 50/50 Mix of World Painted and Naturally Generated Terrain. Rev 30 [9]
29 2015-08-22 2016-2-13 5.8m Entirely WorldPainted map. Classic Creative Multiverse World. Return of Spawn City. Rev 29 [10]
28 2015-02-27 2015-08-20 5m 24d First revision on Minecraft 1.8. Mostly vanilla terrain with WorldPainted areas. Rev 28 [11]
27 2014-09-12 2015-02-25 5m 13d Mostly vanilla terrain with some parts amplified and WorldPainted. Smaller spawn city than Revision 26. Rev 27 [12]
26 2014-03-28 2014-09-11 5m 14d Predominantly vanilla terrain with a touch of amplified and WorldPainted terrain mixed in. Revision 26 boasts an intricately designed spawn and plots system, as well as being the first map to possess an entirely separate nether dimension. Rev 26 [13]
25 2013-09-24 2014-03-26 6m 2d Worldpainted map with large lakes, islands, valleys, hilly plains, and mountains. Rev 25 [14]
24 2013-02-24 2013-09-23 6m 30d Worldpainted map featuring a Nether region Rev 24 [15]
23 2012-11-05 2013-02-24 3m 19d Vanilla map; notable builds include Dome6 and Mini Empire Rev 23 [16]
22 2012-08-24 2012-10-28 2m 4d Worldpainted map made by Veronicron Rev 22 [17]
21 2012-05-06 2012-07-31 2m 25d Swanky map generated using WorldPainter Rev 21 [18]
20 2012-03-08 2012-05-06 1m 28d First spawn city Rev 20 [19]
19 2012-01-17 2012-03-08 1m 20d Created shortly after Minecraft 1.1.0 Rev 19 [20]
18 2011-11-19 2012-01-17 1m 29d Creation coincides with Minecraft 1.0.0 Rev 18 [21]
17 2011-10-17 2011-11-18 1m 1d Last Map Before 1.0.0 Rev 17 [22]
16 2011-09-14 2011-10-17 1m 3d Minecraft Beta 1.8 Rev 16 [23]
15 2011-07-08 2011-09-14 2m 6d Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 - Creation coincides with BlackLotus server migration Rev 15 [24]
14 2011-05-20 2011-07-08 1m 18d Minecraft Beta 1.6 Rev 14 [25]
13 2011-04-01 2011-05-20 1m 19d Minecraft Beta 1.4 (7 weeks) Rev 13 [26]
12 2011-02-20 2011-04-01 1m 12d Cause we like to start fresh. Rev 12 [27]
11 2011-01-16 2011-02-20 1m 4d Using Bukkit server mod for the first time. Rev 11 [28]
10 2010-12-25 2011-01-13 19d Ended due to map lag issues following Minecraft's update to Beta 1.2. Rev 10 [29]
9 2010-10-31 2010-12-20 1m 20d Ending coincided with the launch of Minecraft Beta 1.0. A map. Rev 9 [30]
8 2010-09-28 2010-10-31 1m 3d Ended due to the map lag issues. Rev 8 [31]
7 2010-09-28 Ended due to map corruption . Rev 7 [32]
6 2010-07 The Lost Revision Rev 6
5 2010-06-04 Last Well Documented Classic map. Rev 5
4 2010-05-21 2010-06-04 15d Rev 4
3 2010-05-15 2010-05-21 6d Rev 3
2 2010-04-11 2010-05-15 35d Rev 2
1 2010-03-14 2010-04-11 28d First recorded revision. The server started operation June 10, 2009 Rev 1


  • WorldEdit is only usable in a region a player is an owner of. Having a region protects the area inside. There are two ways to have a region made:
    • Build a rectangular border around the area in blocks. These protections will go from map height to bedrock. No existing build is required. Or,
    • Request a protection on an existing build. These protections will only be around the build.
  • Requesting a region in the Space multiverse requires blocks to be placed in a line in the Y direction to indicate the desired height of the region.
  • Regions that are unbuilt may be removed or reduced after 1 month of inactivity.
  • Still water and lava can be placed out of a bucket. To get flowing liquids place still liquids and /modreq to have them flowed. /flow can be used in regions a player is an owner of.
  • No redstone experiments in the overworld.
  • Redstone clocks must have an off switch.
  • Potions can be acquired but do not give any effects. Use /effect instead.
  • Players can request to have their build warped by submitting a modreq at the desired warp location and including the desired name in the request. Warps are granted at admin discression.

Banned Items

  • Command Blocks - Potential to be abused.
  • Minecart with Command Block - Contains Command Block.
  • Dragon Egg - Causes server lag.
  • Mob Spawners - Useless in Creative, potential to cause lag.
  • Structure Block - Inferior to WorldEdit.
  • Structure Void - Same reason as Structure Block.
  • Shulker Boxes - Potential to be abused.

These items must be placed by staff for you; request using /modreq:

  • Flowing Water - Can be abused to grief when outside of a region.
  • Flowing Lava - Can be abused to grief when outside of a region.
  • Nether Portal - Make annoying sounds and can cause lag.
  • End Portal - Make annoying sounds and can cause lag
  • End Gateway - Make annoying sounds and can cause lag.
  • Barrier Block - Potential to be abused.

Additionally, these items are banned in WorldEdit:

  • TNT - Would make hosting chaos event impossible.
  • Beds - Potential to be abused.
  • Plants & Flowers - Can cause server lag.
  • Items with decreased functionality:
  • All Potions - Able to be placed in inventory, chests, and frames. Usage banned. Use /effect for potion effects.
  • Spawn Eggs - Able to be placed in inventory, chests and frames. Usage banned. Use /pet for spawning mobs.

Warp List

To warp, open chat (Default key is 'T').

Type /warp plus any of the following:
Example: /warp Sekiei

To see public player homes, check out the Creative Public Homes page.

Warps (revision 37)


Standard Warps

  • Bigtown (overworld, -372, 100, -647)
  • Christmas (overworld, 158, 65, -98)
  • CTA (overworld, 33, 27, 258)
  • CTAhq (overworld, 17, 68, 237)
  • End (the end, 1, 61, 5)
  • MapWorld (mapworld, -9984, 3, -9984)
  • Nether (nether, 16, 34, -12)
  • PixelArt (overworld, 3572, 10, -2159)
  • PlaySpleef (overworld, 1835, 40, 1486)
  • Redstone (redstone, 1, 22, -3)
  • Revision36 (world36, 31, 70, -39)
  • Skulls (testbuild, -823, 24, 583)
  • Space (space, 0, 64, 2)
  • Spawn (overworld, 0, 71, 0)
  • SpawnCity (overworld, 0, 67, 199)
  • Speedbuild (overworld, -238, 79, -2526)
  • Spleef (overworld, 1780, 66, 1445)
  • Suburb (overworld, 511, 66, 480)
  • TestBuild (testbuild, -1, 23, 0)
  • Vehicles (testbuild, -959, 23, 1190)
  • WeeklyBuild (weeklybuild, 4, 65, 1)
  • WETutorial (overworld, -0, -52, -54)

Player Created Warps

  • 2fort (overworld, 2197, 85, 142)
  • Airport (overworld, -2575, 65, -480)
  • Citadel (overworld, -1066, 63, -1838)
  • Hoth (overworld, -684, -44, 2549)
  • Kirov (overworld, -621, 176, -1781)
  • LibertyMall (overworld, -761, 67, 151)
  • Menger (overworld, 206, 67, 1768)
  • Nazareth (overworld, -67, -49, 2073)
  • Poland (overworld, 959, 65, 542)
  • SCP (overworld, 3509, 88, 2598)
  • Simpsons (overworld, -540, 78, 858)
  • StripMall (overworld, 592, 66, 44)
  • UFO (overworld, -1868, -54, 718)
  • WeeklyVote (overworld, -290, 65, -1005)

Minigame Warps

  • Boxing (overworld, 1737, 66, 1351)
  • Flop (overworld, 2017, 66, 1436)
  • Hockey (overworld, 261, 65, -298)
  • IceRacing (overworld, 1655, 110, 1655)
  • PoloSpleef (overworld, 888, 77, 786)
  • Racetrack (overworld, 1834, 66, 1151)
  • RiverRace (overworld, 488, 302, -3269)
  • Roulette (overworld, 1614, 149, 1473)
  • Thimble (overworld, -1157, 298, -633)

Warps (revision 36)


Standard Warps

  • Bigtown (overworld, 131, 88, -1566)
  • CTA (overworld, -1, 40, -3)
  • End (the end, 0, 66, 0)
  • GroupBuild (overworld, 266, 65, 1170)
  • Nether (nether, 91, 60, 15)
  • PixelArt (overworld, -994, 45, -1880)
  • PlaySpleef (overworld, 780, 40, 2328)
  • Redstone (redstone, 1, 22, -3)
  • Revision35 (world35, 132, 149, -25)
  • Skulls (testbuild, -823, 24, 583)
  • Skyscraper (skyscraper, 0, 116, 0)
  • Space (space, 0, 64, 2)
  • Spawn (overworld, 31, 70, -39)
  • Speedbuild (overworld, -3255, 136, 366)
  • Spleef (overworld, -837, 66, 2287)
  • TestBuild (testbuild, -1, 23, 0)
  • WeeklyBuild (weeklybuild, 4, 65, 1)
  • WETutorial (overworld, -117, 7, -28)

Player Created Warps

  • AlphaWaterDome (overworld, -141, 52, 1196)
  • Arkham (overworld, -3382, 98, -1898)
  • Bardcomplex (overworld, -2909, 68, 2440)
  • Branwood (overworld, -2171, 98, -1847)
  • Caverna (overworld, 1926, 197, -2224)
  • CosmicWound (space, -723, 119, -764)
  • CTAhq (overworld, -967, 73, 2410)
  • Degroot (overworld, -2848, 170, -2637)
  • Dune (overworld, 3349, 41, 2789)
  • F1 (overworld, -1840, 65, -717)
  • Fulchester (overworld, -1169, 65, -674)
  • FulchestrerMall (overworld, -473, 65, -831)
  • GladiatorSpleef (overworld, -1402, 78, 2212)
  • ImaginationLand (overworld, 3249, 78, 469)
  • Leuctra (overworld, 374, 88, -285)
  • Mexico (overworld, 2051, 98, 757)
  • Springfield2 (overworld, -924, 56, 2576)
  • StationGemini (space, 711, 48, 749)
  • Titanic (overworld, -3228, 78, 1661)

Warps (revision 35)


Warps (revision 33)


Warps (revision 32)


Warps (revision 31)


Warps (revision 30)


Warps (revision 29)


Warps (revision 28)


Warps (revision 27)


Warps (revision 26)


Warps (revision 25)


Warps (revision 24)


Warps (revision 23)

