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This is a list of plugins on each server and commands you can use:
BANNED ITEMS: 23,49,327,326,46,11,10,9,8,333,327,289,259,79,51,7,8,9,10,11,46,52,346,342,343,326,325,90
General Use
- Give
- /i [itemID] [quantity]
- For items with multiple values: /i [itemID]:[value] [quantity]
- e.g. /i 35:11 10 gets you 10 blue wool
- A quantity of -1 should give you infinite amounts
- A full list of data values: [1]
- BasicWarp[2]
- /warp [warpName]
- /listwarps
- ClothColor_6
- hold wool, do /c to see colours to change to
- LightVote - /lv
- MyHome -
- home - goes home
- /home set - sets current location as home
- PlayerListEnhanced - /pl
Mod Only
- DegriefStick
- SimpleProtect - Cuboid Light
- Guardian - mod only, stops banned items from being placed, lava flow etc.
- BorderLands - No commands, limits map size
- ARCTeleport[3]
BANNED ITEMS: 23,49,327,326,46,11,10,9,8,333,327,289,259,73,79,51,7,8,9,10,11,46,52,346,342,343,326,325,90
General use
- PlayerListEnhanced - pl
Mod Only
- General - mod only Simple commands like give, reload plugins etc.
- ARCTeleport - mod only
- BorderLands - limits map size
- DegriefStick - mod only
- Guardian - Stops ceratin events, i.e. dispensers, portals, tnt etc. that crash server
- SimpleProtect - Protects spawn, that's it.