ModReq Commands

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Revision as of 02:00, 11 November 2011 by Epsy (talk | contribs) (Formatting)
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ModReq is the bot that roams the moderator channel on irc, #redditmc-mods. It accepts the commands described here.


.lookup nick

List bans for nick on our servers.

.bans nick

List bans for nick on all servers.

.unban nick

Unbans nick on the server.

.addban nick reason

Admins only(addban). Adds a ban to nick for reason.


.notes nick

Lists notes for nick on all servers.

.delnote noteid

Deletes note noteid from our servers.

.addnote nick note

Admins only(addnote). Adds a note to nick with text note.

Item Codes

.id id

Gives an item's full name for the given id.

.name search

List items and item codes that match search.

Bot Administration

All commands from this section are admin only.

.setmc ircnick nick

Associates ircnick with minecraft nick, so that the minecraft nickname can be used when creating bans or notes.

.getperms ircnick

Gets the current permissions for ircnick.

.setperm ircnick perm value

Sets the permission perm on ircnick to value.