Admin coup

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Coup against the admins of the mcpublic subreddit and the associated minecraft community

A Reslution to De-Admin AllNaturalX

from howdiddlydoo [M] via mcpublic January 17, 2011

I hate to go all Blackjackel on this, but I'm going to write this all legal style, firstly for clarity, and secondly just for practice, however, there's a plain English tldr at the bottom. Also, this is serious shit, so please read all of it.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT WHEREAS the position of administrator is one that requires great maturity and wise judgement, and
WHEREAS on January 17, 2011, around 3:35 PM CST, I, Howdiddlydoo, was kicked by redditpublic founder and Tech Admin AlLnAtuRalX, hereby to be referred to as Nat, for playing music, specifically this video (EXHIBIT A), over Mumble, and
WHEREAS many people were listening to the music I had to play, and were enjoying it, and
WHEREAS I was not expressly and knowingly interrupting the speech of anyone else, and
WHEREAS Mumble has an inbuilt and easily accessable local mute function, and
WHEREAS Nat has himself done the exact same thing, evidence of which can be found here: [EXHIBIT B] (
WHEREAS Nat has a record of immaturity and poor judgement, including, but not limited to: turning an entire server's chat messages into (something to the effects of) "Does anyone know how to remove cum stains off a curtain?"; filling players' inventories with random items like feathers or eggs; and facilitating Warwick's constant greifing of the server by granting him leniencies even in the face of impending bans;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by us moderators and administrators of the redditpublic servers that redditpublic Founder and Tech Admin, AlLnAtuRalX, should be stripped of his position of admin due to displays of immaturity and poor judgement; his position of founder will not be affected, and his new position will be determined in a separate motion.

Basically, I believe that Nat places himself above the rules far too often, and that his transgressions should not persist. This is not to say the he isn't a great programmer, because he is a fantastic programmer and has helped the server immensely. This is also not to say that I do not wish to play on this server, because I definitely enjoy playing on this server and hope to see it continue to grow. I just feel that placing Nat in a position of such great power, when he his thoughts and actions are so rash, isn't a very good idea. Also, if I get demodded for this, let it serve as another example of the ridiculous amount of power he has.

Comments on this coup

[-] to howdiddlydoo from jooes [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Sorry, but this is hilarious.
[-] to howdiddlydoo from squatly [F,M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Not sure if serious...
[-] to squatly from AlLnAtuRalX [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
I kicked you for telling me to man the fuck up and go to a different channel while I was working on the server, not for playing music.
Also, lol.
[-] to squatly from AlLnAtuRalX [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Oh, quick correction:
"Does anyone know how to remove cum stains off a curtain?"
Should be:
"Does anyone know how to remove cum stains off a futon?"
[-] to AlLnAtuRalX from jakemates [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Really? IIRC it was couch.
[-] to AlLnAtuRalX from howdiddlydoo [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Kicking me for telling you to man the fuck up is even more ridiculous a reason.
Squatly, I'm just as serious as you were when you got all pissed about the abuse of /say. I'm pissed at how nonchalantly Nat abuses his ::powers.
And nat, I'd edit it if I could :/
[-] to howdiddlydoo from squatly [F,M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Speaking on the behalf of the defendant:
"We would love to consider your resolution, however, we cannot do so until you have paid the court fees required to file a motion in the ::MCPublic modchat. This is a non-refundable $15 fee made payable to the Reddit Public Hardware fund."
[-] to squatly from Eustis [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Wait really?
[-] to Eustis from howdiddlydoo [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Damn straight. I'm going magna carta on this bitch.
Simply because he's very helpful to the organization of this server doesn't mean he can break the rules whenever he pleases.
[-] to Eustis from AlLnAtuRalX [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
I kicked you. Honestly, I'd hate to be so informal in the wake of formality, but get over it. The server was down, and I was trying to get ::information from the users about what the issues were or yell at warwick, and that takes priority in the channel dedicated to the gameserver. ::I told you to shut up, but you replied with the aforementioned message, so I kicked you.
If other mods have a problem with this, they can let me know. Also, how exactly do you propose I do my job without admin privileges? ::They're kind of required.
[-] to AlLnAtuRalX from howdiddlydoo [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Yeah i guess the deadmin was bit harsh. I was pissed, i'll admit.
But you really need to get your shit together, brah.
[-] to AlLnAtuRalX from howdiddlydoo [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Also, wait. What is this?
Nat is telling me to get over it?
But wait, isn't that what I originally told him?
Ah, sweet resolution. I'm happy now that you've realized that the solution is to man the fuck up.
[-] to howdiddlydoo from Lord_Munkee [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Thank you for making my already awesome evening, better.
[-] to howdiddlydoo from AlLnAtuRalX [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
The difference is that I was working on the servers. What you're doing right now is taking away time that I could be working on the servers. ::Hope that's clear.
[-] to AlLnAtuRalX from howdiddlydoo [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Anytime, Munkee
[-] to Lord_Munkee from Eustis [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
I wish there was an easy way to look-of-disapproval only phone.
[-] to Eustis from The_wise_man [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
This is the funniest thing that has happened in a long time.
I'll BRB, I need to get some popcorn.
[-] to AlLnAtuRalX from The-Sky [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
I just want to point out a statement without taking a position.
"I told you to shut up, but you replied with the aforementioned message, so I kicked you."
First, there is a local mute button. If you didn't want to have to have the whole channel to mute him, you could have moved him (which I have ::seen you do before). Again, if he came in and defied you, THEN I think a kick (if a global mute is not possible) would be in order.
[-] to The-Sky from Eustis [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
This is hardly a democracy. Nat's our dictator and so far he's been extremely reasonable in my humble opinion.
He's been working non-stop for the past XX hours on getting plugins up and running for the already unstable Bukkit, which, coupled with no ::sleep and tons of bitchin and moanin mcpublicers creates a reasonable amount of stress. If he wants to have a little fun or kick someone, I ::say go for it. This is a game after all, no hard feelings to be had anywhere. It's a game on the internet, no less, which we all know to be srs ::bsns.
[-] to The-Sky from Eustis [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
By the way Caffeinated that wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular, your "reply" button was just closest to the chat box.
[-] to Eustis from The-Sky [M] via mcpublic sent 1 day ago
Yeah no problem, I realize this isn't a democracy. Just pointing out the fact that there was more than kicking that could be done, which could ::have stopped this situation.
[-] to howdiddlydoo from ArcadeStorm [M] via mcpublic sent 13 hours ago
Nat was stressed, you were pissed, shit happened. Remember Minecraft is a game, forgive and forget.
[-] to ArcadeStorm from The_wise_man [M] via mcpublic sent 2 hours ago
forgive and forget.
...Until you get banned.

   The out come of this coup was that it was nerd rage.

See also
