Citadel & JukeAlert

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Though no longer used, explained here is what Citadel and JukeAlert do, about reinforcement materials, etc.

Citadel: Building

Command Shorthand Purpose Usage Notes
/ctfortify /ctf Reinforce blocks you place with the material held in your hand. /ctfortify, /ctfortify group <groupname> Protect blocks to yourself or a Citadel group.
/ctreinforce /ctr Add protections to blocks you already placed /ctreinforce, /ctreinforce group <groupname> Right-click the block to reinforce it.
/ctinfo /cti Inspect block reinforcements. /ctinfo Right-click a block to see its durability, protection material, etc.
/ctoff /cto Exit all Citadel modes /ctoff
/ctmaterials /ctmat List reinforcement materials and their strengths /ctmaterials
/ctinsecure /ctis Toggle hopper security flag on containers when you right-click them. /ctinsecure Allows hoppers to remove items from a chest.

Citadel: Group Management

Command Shorthand Purpose Usage Notes
/ctcreate /ctc Create a Citadel group /ctcreate <groupname>
/ctdelete /ctdel Delete a Citadel group /ctdelete <groupname>
/ctgroupinfo /ctgi Get group info /ctgroupinfo <groupname>
/cttransfer /ctt Transfer ownership of a group /cttransfer <groupname> <otherplayer>
/ctpassword /ctpw Sets a group's password and enables password-based joining. Set password to "null" to prevent joining. /ctcreate <groupname> <password>
/ctallow /cta Add a member to your Citadel group /ctallow <groupname> <player>
/ctdisallow /ctd Remove a member from your Citadel group /ctdisallow <groupname> <player>
/ctjoin /ctj Join a Citadel group with a password /ctjoin <groupname> <password>
/ctjoin /ctj Join a Citadel group with a password /ctjoin <groupname> <password>
/ctleave /ctl Leave a Citadel group /ctleave <groupname>
/ctgroups /ctgs List your groups /ctgroups
/ctaddmod /ctam Add a Citadel group moderator. Moderators can add/remove members and modify reinforcements. /ctaddmod <groupname> <player>
/ctremovemod /ctrm Remove a Citadel group moderator /ctremovemod <groupname> <player>
/ctmoderators /ctmods List group moderators /ctmoderators <groupname>
/ctmembers /ctm List group members /ctmembers <groupname>


Command Shorthand Purpose Usage Notes
/janame Name the snitch field /janame <name>
/jainfo Show the snitch log /jainfo
/jaclear Clear snitch logs /jaclear
/jalist List your snitch blocks /jalist
/jamute Add a group to the ignore list /jamute