Ember City
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Server | Survival |
Map revision | 8 |
Coordinates | 120, 120 |
Timeline | |
Completed | July 6th 2011 |
Creators | |
Mayors | ludeman84, Carrotapple |
Residents | Blacksmoke41, chumazing, colsarcol, generalchaoz, hunter130, kiwi99, LDG17, MagnuslordX, Nvious, papadopolis, rtr69, Ryuk326, Whatzizface, Bestor, GabeC94, GuyThreepwood, iskyoork, LadyRavenOwl, llanelli, Spacewarrior6, Tarheels96, Vanh, weizbox |
Ember City was founded by ludeman84 during Survival's 8th revision. It was also known as the City of Ember, and it was 83x83x21 in size. It required mining over 140,000 blocks, and lining the walls with almost 20,000 blocks of dirt.
Other notorious builds included the Shrieking Jester, by Blacksmoke41 and ludeman84, was visible from the surface via the skylight. Its redstone torches would flash on all 4 sides when someone entered the city, and a trapdoor in the middle would slam repeatedly and piss off everyone, alongside an elaborate alarm system sets off lights and noteblocks all over the city; the Embertube, a 260x260 subway ring around the survival spawn, with elevators to the surface at all the midpoints and corners; the Enterprise Tower, which was a massive, 20-story apartment building spanning elevations 12 to 112, built by Carrotapple and ludeman84; and the Survival History Museum.