Nova (r11)

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Nova (r11)
Official flag of Nova
Server PvE
Map revision 11
Coordinates -1165, -981
Started April of 2013

Nova (r11) is located -1165, -981. There is rail connection from here to Pico. There are road connections indirectly to Pico through Abeka, and direct to North Road. Nova is an industrial metropolis with a large commercial center. It is home to a World Trade Center. There are approximately 20 permanent settlers here, most of which are active.


Important People:

TECP - Founder and Mayor

Diamonds_Plz - Vice Mayor

weave2k0 - Resource gatherer and miner

bbgun09 - Mass Builder and City Planner

lolSnarfSnarf - Enchanting and Potion maker.


- Strong Mayor and Vice Mayor

- Strong Council made from active citizens

- Judicial powers held by executive branch


- Most wealth is shared, however only the more trusted, active citizens get access to all resources.

- Just started budding, there is more than enough room for eventual competition between large enterprising companies

- Because most wealth is shared, it is of great benefit to both the citizens and Nova that instead of acting as a private head in trades with other cities, one may act as the entire city of Nova.


There will be five major districts in Nova, currently one of the four is fully developed and two others are partially developed. These districts are:

- Residential District (Complete, but expandable)

- Central District (Partially developed)

- Underground District (Partially developed)

- Indistrial District (Planned)

- Seaports District (Planned)

Residential District

Where most people live; currently contains the vast majority of buildable land in Nova. Recently added was the RRS (Residential Road System).

Central District

Where the skyscrapers are- or will be at least. Soon to be added is the CRS (Central Road System), along with this will come massive commercial development.

Underground District

Currently located under TECP's "House in a Hill", the Nova Underground will serve as both a place to live and a self-sustaining bunker that will be able to hold all of the residents of Nova in a time of Crysis. Completely self-sustaining.

Industrial District

Currently only planned, the industrial district will include several factories. Eventually including an automated iron golem farm.

Seaports District

Currently only planned, the seaports district will be a major entrance from both trade and travelers of the rivers of the world. The seaports will be developed after Moon river is converted into Moon Canal to help sea farers travel to the inland area that is Nova.
