Rock of Ages

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Rock of Ages
Rock of ages r10.png
Server PvE
Map revision Rev 10
Coordinates 1969, -1196
Lead speaknott
Contributors ProfessorX4242, xXdriztenXx, boyofrito
Started January 10th, 2013

Rock of Ages, located to the South of Argoth/Bromgoth, is a currently in progress town built at the lowest level of the map (bedrock). The only part of the town visible from the surface is a pagoda, which shelters the dual entrance to the town: the staircase/deathdrop. Previous names were Xanadu (referencing the famous Rush song) and Inferno (boyofrito's suggestion). Several problems were encountered during the creation of the town, including but not limited to immense amounts of lava and water flows.


Coming Soon