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Hail, inside his observatory.
Hail's First Build in Rev 25, Island Observatory.
Authority Party Basement Janitor, Rev 24.
Favorite server Creative
Joined January-March 2013, Rejoined September 2014
Left November 2013-January 2014

HailSaban is a player who, during his first couple months in the community, would be found on Creative for extensive hours, trying to start conversations in the abandoned server. At the time of joining, HailSaban was a relatively quiet character, but was enlightened a bit by several regulars that are well known in the community. (Most notably nickeox, EeHee2000, Magnyus, and NEVAstop)

Most Notable Builds and Contributions

  • Island Observatory, Rev 25. Coincidentally aligned with the rise and fall of the sun and moon.
  • The Polar Statues, Rev 25. Two statues, one by a pit of lava, the other on top of a mountain. Both the same design, different blocks. (Nether Brick and Quartz, respectively.)
  • Genesis, Rev 25. Twin city with Villa, Genesis was constructed along with Dex4002, later SextDexy. Received a warp.
  • Spleef, Rev 27. The largest Spleef Arena to date. Hail was a primary builder.