Creative Public Homes

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While not every build can get its own warp, players are free to set "private warps" as homes for themselves by using the command /sethome home_name. It is also possible to expose homes to other players, allowing them to access those homes in much of the same way as private homes. To set such a home, use the command /sethome home_name public. To remove a home, use the command /delhome home_name.

The following is a list of public homes set by players. Feel free to visit them. To warp to a public home, use the command /home player_name home_name. Please note the home name and player name are case sensitive.
Example: /home GMMan_BZFlag thule

You may also check which public homes players have, by using the command /listhomes player_name. Note player name is case sensitive. You may also list your own homes with /listhomes.

List of Public Homes

Revision 26



  • changeling (1279, 70, 1322) [March 28, 2014]
    When finished, this will be a very large statue with an extensive cave network. As of 4-16-14, the statue is still under construction and the caves haven't been touched.

Revision 25


Revision 24
