Planned for Map Revision 6 |
Location: x=0, z=1600 |
The Clusterblock is a compact city on the sixth revision of the PvE server. TaoDao is mayor, with brezmans as his co-mayor. Clusterblock will be one huge, chaotic structure, with all dwellings interconnected.
Position and Size
The Clusterblock is being built close to the South portal centered on the -185,1724 spot. It is connected to the portal and Lothos by a boardwalk. It will be built fully inside a space of 55x55x55 blocks, starting from ground level, and delineated by a stone structure. The total size of the enclosure will be 55³=166375 blocks. This figure was chosen because it provides space for about a hundred medium-sized apartments.
The Clusterblock is based on Kowloon Walled City. The Walled City was a huge cluster of houses in Kowloon, Hong Kong, that housed over 30.000 people on a very small area. The inside of the City was a maze of random houses and corridors, all interconnected. Clusterblock aims for a similar effect, but without the triad interference. That is why citizens wishing to build in the Clusterblock will have to follow three guidelines:
- Any new dwelling must be connected to the others, forming one cluster.
- No new dwelling may cover the front door of another. Every dwelling may have only one front door.
- To make it easier for the mods, the dwellings must be built up of a number of cube-shaped rooms.
These rules will make sure that the city develops as one huge cluster of housing, but also that every house is connected directly to the outside via a network of organically growing halls and corridors.
Aside from these three rules, which must be followed, Citizens are also encouraged to
- ... build special shapes composed of cube-shaped rooms
- ... not build your house too large, the city hall will serve as a guideline
- ... leave space for public spaces, connected to the hall system
- ... just do what you feel!
PvE server map revision 6 |
| PvE server info (rules etc.) maps: small - medium - huge - live map (offline now) - rail maps: Definitive_Prize Klibbnisse Castelnau - PvE Rail (r6) | |
Central Settlements (<500 blocks from spawn) | Northern Settlements (-z) | Eastern Settlements (+x) | Western Settlements (-x) | Southern Settlements (+z) | |
- Spawn @ 0, 0
- Seneca @ 0, -300
- Snapperolle @ -246, -13
- La Grès Cathedral @ -250, 250
- Draco @ -160, 280
- Mitogia @ -450, 200
- Groundest @ -555, -355
- Spott @ 410, -230
- Rocket Dominion @ -155, -405
- EverBright @ 118, 268
- Shitburg @ 331, 41
- Pico @ 0, -1500
- Beacon Island @ 520, -710
- Ember @ -146, -1837
- Montpelier @ -545, -1763
- Teebania @ -600, -2500
- Cloud City @ -670, -1950
- Something Else @ -1280, -1640
- Andaren @ -1200, -1550
- Woolville @ 1165, -2135
- saffsd Industries @ 1235, -1910
- Blanco @ 1730, -1760
- Dead Pixel @ 1700, -1905
- The Cobbleslums @ -260, -1205
- Lemuria @ -394, -941
- Seattle @ -520, -705
- Arborvale @ -131, -738
- Cloud Town @ -375, -1300
- New Argoth @ 1500, 0
- Pleasantville @ 1300, -1000
- Wellspring @ 900, 700
- Oceana @ 1750, 275
- Knuttin' Atoll @ 1100, -250
- Esper @ 1025, -1335
- Diehimmel und Diegrotten @ 1600, -1400
- Whore Island @ 2526, 24
- Monkeh Island @ ?, ?
- DerpTown @ 900, 300
- New Athens @ 950, 530
- Not Bacon @ 1630, 875
- Kilst Island @ 1520, 710
- Valhallan Threshold @ 1920, 1500
- Riverwood @ 540, 260
- Sigil @ 705, -89
- International Spleef Stadium @ 1330, -490
- Swamplandia @ 2559, -1349
- Shimano @ 2000, -500
- Topaz @ -1500, 0
- Agua Fria @ -940, -760
- Deorne @ -850, 810
- Hexa Empire @ -1000, -300
- Herpville @ -700, 0
- Frostmourne @ -3000, -3000
- Cobblestone @ -2920, -2530
- Nattresshire @ -2970, -2250
- Farstride @ -3000, -1830
- Aurora City @ -2500, -1830
- Laketown @ -2740, -1400
- Snowhedge @ -1550, -650
- Fountain @ -2935, -365
- Hidden Valley @ -2120, 325
- Frozen Cove @ -1680, 375
- Entsville @ -2420, 420
- Land of Ooo @ -1920, 720
- Tower Town @ -2278, 885
- Deepholm @ -1285, 1090
- New Hempshire @ -1420, 1560
- Penyork @ -2485, 2110
- City of Heroes @ -2175, 2355
- Vallis @ -2220, 2575
- Stoneham @ -2985, 2815
- Nowhere @ -40, 1570
- Lothos @ -230, 1130
- Birch Island @ 1630, 1337
- Überproject @ 1500, 2250
- Über Villas @ 1420, 2680
- Cow Lake @ 1530, 2810
- Sluttsville @ 3000, 3000
- Voxelholm @ 1790, 1930
- Clusterblock @ -185, 1724
- Fauxlandia @ 16, 1700
- South Gulch @ 225, 2300
- Southquan @ -105, 2985
| | other servers Creative - Survival - Chaos - War |